
Viewing 1 - 16 out of 16 posts

The difference between Praise and Encouragement;

The difference between Praise and Encouragement;Praise - Links a child's worth to what they do." Oh Johnny or Sue, you are so smart you got an A in math."Encouragement- Encouragement Read More

Our childhood experiences coupled with our temperament shape us into the adults we become

Remember, every time you are tempted to react in a negative controlling way as a parent, ask yourself what kind of adult do you want your child to become? Read More

There’s no pain or failure like going through a divorce

Money spent on getting even during a divorce is money that could go to your kid’s college fund.  “There’s no pain or failure like going through a divorce”.         Read More


Trauma is a fact of life.It does not however have to be a life sentence.                                Read More

Are You Contributing to your Child’s Unhappiness During a Divorce or Separation?

You are hurting you child if you are doing any of the following: Subtly or directly putting the other parent down.Ex: “Mommy/Daddy said you will get fat if you eat too much Read More

Tips for Telling your Children You are Divorcing

Tips for Telling your Children You are Divorcing When parents have reached the decision to tell their child they are getting divorced or separated, Dr. Bingham Newman offers this candid advice. “You have Read More


1. Are you sleeping too much or too little?2. Are you waking up in the middle of the night with your mind racing?3.Have you felt angry more than usual? Yelling Read More


Holiday season is here again. If you are divorced with children, the season can be challenging as you attempt to coordinate two households and extended family, trying to meet everyone’s Read More

Children Learn What They Live

Excepts from a poem by Dorothy Law NolteIf a Child lives with criticism, he learns to condemnIf a child live with hostility, he learns to fightIf a child lives with shame he Read More

5 Ways to Cope with Stress

Exercise – It seems like a simple thing but the research clearly shows that when we exercise the good chemicals in our brain are released. You may have heard of Read More

Having a Vision for Your family After Divorce or Separation 5 Things to Consider…

How do you want your children to remember their Parent’s divorce? 1. They attended  my soccer games  and  school functions and acted  in a respectful  non arguing manner? 2.  They allowed me Read More


Forgiveness can be one of he hardest concepts to understand, but one of the most helpful actions you can take. If you want to move on and give yourself the Read More

Pain is Inevitable Suffering is not

I have recently come across clients who allow themselves to suffer after a painful event in their lives. Maybe a divorce, or a betrayal by a loved one has occurred. The event Read More

10 Things Divorced Parents Should Not Do

1.Do Not talk badly, put down, or call my other parent bad names. This makes me feel torn apart and puts me down too.  2.Do Not talk about money, child support, or Read More

Protect Your Children

Remember when you were first learning to drive how you asked to practice every chance you could. Or if you’ve ever played a sport such as baseball, soccer or tennis Read More

It’s an Illusion

You are hurting you child if you are doing any of the following: Subtly or directly putting the other parent down.Ex: “Mommy/Daddy said you will get fat if you eat too much Read More

Viewing 1 - 16 out of 16 posts

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